Peru: La Ruta Participativa

In Peru, despite the law having made progress, violence against women (VAW) is still a serious human rights issue. It affects 68.2% of women who have a partner (ENDES, 2016) and  has negative impacts on society and public health. The prevention and eradication of VAW is a critical and relevant societal challenge. So if we want to take effective action, prevention must start at the earliest ages.

Fe y Alegría is one of the most prestigious educational institutions in Peru providing  high quality, value-based education to an impoverished and excluded population. Fe y Alegría is concerned about the future of its students since it can be predicted that if they do not take preventive measures, many of their female students will become victims and many male students aggressors.

For these reasons, Fe y Alegría and ComVoMujer, a regional BMZ funded programme, implemented Strong together. Strong together is  a methodology for primary prevention that promotes a change towards equal socio-cultural patterns between men and women, strengthens self-esteem and rejects all forms of VAW. The tool, focuses on 6- to 9-year-old children, favors reflection about the relationship dynamics characterized by gender-based violence through a series of creative, playful and experiential activities.


Gender – a quality feature of our work

Fe y Alegría between 2016-2017 trained 585 teachers in 32 schools on the main concepts of VAW and this methodology; implemented the program with more than 9,000 children (4,489 girls and 4,606 boys) through 5 interactive exhibitions: Boys and Girls are equally capable; Violence damages us; We arE valuable; Together against Violence and Raise your Voice; Complemented the tool with a video game (APP) for kids; implemented sessions with 2,480 parents to discuss VAW; Involved 1,686 teenagers, 132 high school teachers and 433 students from 5th to 6th grade; complemented the tool with a video game (APP) for kids; implemented sessions with 2,480 parents to discuss VAW; involved 1,686 teenagers, 132 high school teachers and 433 students from 5th to 6th grade;

The development and implementation of Strong together has been positively evaluated by the Fe y Alegría team and all the partners involved in the countries where it was implemented as a pioneering methodology involving children of very young ages. Fe y Alegría now has a methodology to prevent VAW to use in their future training processes. In its report to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the German government has acknowledged the German translation of „La Ruta Participativa” as one of the concrete steps taken to combat gender stereotypes among children and in schools.

2018_EN_GenderAward_RollUp_Peru-1Impacts & Results

Since 2012, Strong together has been implemented with educational institutions, women’s and civil society organizations and companies, reaching 17,000 children and more than 1,700 facilitators, not counting those in Honduras and Germany; it was incorporated into the curriculum of Education, Psychology and Social Work faculties in universities in Ecuador and Bolivia; it has been implemented in Germany by the RheinMain University, which translated it into German (MamMut) and English; it was incorporated into the Green Prevention List and is part of the new plan for the rights of children and adolescents in Germany; the Department of Social Work of the RheinMain University will continue implementing it in the next years; comVoMujer has a monitoring and evaluation system with data disaggregated by gender, as well as specific evaluations of its counterparts, which allows to monitor the progress,, make corrections on time and learn from the mistakes and successes. ComVoMujer distributes lessons learnt and results of its interventions on its website and through its social media accounts, as well as through regular reporting.

Full information: 2018 EN GenderAward RollUp Peru

Competition entry: 2018 ES Project Documentation La Ruta Participativa

Download their contribution to the Gender Slam: Gender Slam Peru Award Ceremony ComVoMujer

Have a look at the pictures of the Gender Slam Team performing:

Have a look at the results of the second screen survey during the Gender Award Ceremony:


GIZ staff may download the recordings of the Gender Award and the Gender Slam contribution.

Contact information:

Christine Brendel
T: +51 1 442 1101