Germany (Bonn) – Gender in Value Chains

Value_ChainsThe improvement of supply chains is a key instrument for economic support measures in the agricultural sector.

From a development perspective, it is crucial to induce gender-sensitive supply chains, strengthening women’s income possibilities and promoting an equal footing in the job market. At the same time, it is very important to prevent negative side effects of a stronger inclusion of women in the job market. Women’s workload must be reduced and balancing work and family life remain possible. Integral development projects seek to improve the supply chain as such but must also target social and labor market policies.

The “ValueLinks Manual”, which serves the GIZ as a tool for the analysis of supply chains, includes new gender elements in its most recent 2.0 version. The manual enables the identification of gender-specific groups, sheds light on gender roles in the division of work, the position of women along supply chains as well as the legal and institutional framework.

The event will focus on changes within the “ValueLinks Manual”, which is currently being updated. We count on your valuable experiences and ideas to further improve the new gender chapter. Your feedback is very welcome.  

When? 5th of March 2015, 9.30-11.00 am


Please download a detailed documentation and illustration of the events organized in Bonn here:




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