Tunisia (Tunis) – Spreading the Word about Social Issues Related to Gender Equality

GIZ Tunisia’s gender working group takes the 2015 gender week as an opportunity to spread the word about social issues related to gender equality, such as the so called “gender pay gap”, “sharing domestic tasks”, “gender related violence in daily life” and others. The initiative aims at sensitizing fellow GIZ colleagues on how gender plays an important role not only for a society, but also for private life. The working group thereby hopes to raise awareness that gender is much more than another indicator to be served.

For example:


Pour plus d’informations sur les inégalités de salaires entre les hommes et les femmes veuillez consulter

  • Les statistiques publiées par l’OECD sur l’écart de revenu entre les hommes et les femmes en Europe (exprimé en pourcentage des revenus moyennes de l’homme)
  • L’Etude sur la règlementation du travail et participation des femmes au marché du travail en Tunisie (ci-joint ; étude financée par notre projet EconoWin)



Given the lively and foremost positive feedback the initiative succeeded in sensitizing GIZ staff in Tunisia on how gender plays an important role not only for a society, but also for private life. Embedded in GIZ’s engagement for a comprehensive and sustainable gender mainstreaming, it raised awareness that gender is much more than another indicator to be served.




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