OECD issues new DAC gender equality policy marker

DAC_OECDThe OECD DAC has launched new minimum criteria for the DAC gender equality policy marker. As from January 2017 a gender analysis and a ‘do no harm’ approach is compulsory for all aid activities to ensure at minimum that the project/programme does not perpetuate or exacerbate gender inequalities.

The DAC gender equality policy marker is a key monitoring and accountability tool in the context of 2030 Agenda. For more information have a look at the document provided.

Posted in Gender Week Blog
One comment on “OECD issues new DAC gender equality policy marker
  1. Scherry Siganporia says:

    Thank you for sharing this. Very important information for us as GIZ Gender Focal Points. Also, this is a very good approach to be taken by DAC.